Getting Married in Colombia

First Step for Getting Married in Colombia

If you are thinking of getting married in Colombia, there are certain things to keep in mind. Marriage in Colombia is no different than in any other country, in that there are rules, procedures and laws that must be followed in order for it to be legal and recognized by authorities in Colombia and other countries. So in almost every case, consultation with a local divorce or family attorney before marrying a Colombian man or woman is a very wise choice.

getting married in colombiaConsulting with a divorce or family lawyer in Colombia before making arrangements to get married in Colombia, can help educate all involved on Colombian Family Law and its procedures. This in turn can help avoid mistakes and legal issues in the future. As with regulations in other countries, Colombian family law is very strict and it can affect anyone`s assets if not followed correctly.

Many ways for getting married in Colombia

There are many businesses, websites and dating services in Colombia, such as My Colombia Wife, which cater to people looking for a serious relationship. Most of these services are very ethical and provide a real service to their users. However, they burden no responsibility for letting people know what getting married in Colombia entails, as far as the law is concerned. That is why, Marriage in Colombia from the legal perspective could only be properly explained by a divorce or family attorney with experience practicing family law in this country.

Laws that apply to Marriage in Colombia

marriage in colombiaMarrying a Colombian man or woman is not an unusual practice by people of other countries. In this global lifestyle we live in nowadays, it is very common for people to communicate with others all over the world and therefore relationships can develop easily. But although it is easier to get acquainted with men and women from all over the world, it is important to consider the law that applies to these types of relationships before getting involved in any marriage in Colombia or any other country.

There are many things to consider before getting married in Colombia as it should be anywhere. There are such things as, how to protect your assets, the laws that apply to children custody issues, and others if things come to an end. So getting to know what to expect from a legal perspective should be in everyone`s mind before making important decisions such as this. Although no one expects or thinks about getting divorced when considering marrying a Colombian man or woman, any wise person should know that it could eventually come to an end.

Consult with a Divorce or Family Lawyer in Colombia

So if you are a person who is thinking about traveling to Colombia to meet people for a serious relationship or you have already started a relationship of such magnitude, we urge you to consider speaking to a divorce or family lawyer in Colombia as soon as you can. You can contact us via email, using our contact form or dialing directly to our English Speaking Family Attorney line at 57 305 307 6505.

Getting Married in any City of Colombia

We can provide an online or phone consultation in English where one of our attorneys can properly explain how family law applies in Colombia and/or answer all your questions directly. Our personal legal consultation in English is only $50 US and can be paid directly via PayPal or Crypto currency. Our English speaking assistant can provide the payment information needed according to your preferred method. If you would like to set up a virtual consultation write to us via Whatsapp at +57 305 307 6505. Do not get into a marriage in Colombia whether in a religious wedding or civil procedure, before speaking to one of our experienced divorce or family lawyers in Colombia. We are one of your best options to consider before getting married in Colombia.

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